Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh Happy Day

Today I completed the purchase of my car. I am so so excited. It has been 5 months now with out a car and I have to say it has been tough. It is a 2000 Ford Windstar. Yes a minivan. Can you believe it? It is part of my ultimate goal of having a home daycare so I can stay at home and have babies. So I am very excited. Funny how tastes in cars change. I never thought I would be dying to own a minivan...

But I do have conflicted feelings On the flip side of my excitement is this: My mini van doesn't get the greatest gas mileage and I feel like a big time failure to thrive without a car. In my defence there are not bike lanes or sidewalks. There is a decent bus system, but it is so time consuming. Trying to go grocery shopping for a family of 5 taking the bus? Didn't work out for me so well. I hate being dependent on oil. I just watched I heart Huckabees, and it reminded me of my carefree college days without a car, and not missing one.

I do hereby solemnly swear with you as my witness to use my car for trips worth going on, and too far to walk, IE 20 miles to work, hauling groceries. I will coordinate my trips to be mileage efficient. I will walk several parking lots rather than drive 500 yards.

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