Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pregnancy and Heartburn

I have been having such bad heart burn / acid reflux that it has started making me throw up. I have decided to do an experiment to see what works (at least for me...) from this list of  "9 Natural Remedies for Heart Burn in Pregnancy" from the Baby Center website  Its funny because sometimes certain things work, and other times they make it worse...

Here is the first remedy I tried:

Fennel seed
2 tsp seeped in boiling water for 10 min, strain and sweeten, then drink

I lost track of long it seeped, and it ended up pretty strong, but with enough agave nectar it was tasty.

It seemed to help the two days I tried it. Then my chronic heart burn went away... so I haven't tried the others.  I am now prepared though :)

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