Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow in Corvallis!

Snow here in Corvallis is a fairly rare thing. Last year it snowed once about 2 inches (and melted by the end of the day) I went into work because to me it was no big deal, but everyone was surprised I would risk driving. Monday it snowed 3 inches and everything shut down. No school, no work. A real snow day! Besides all that, it has been very cold and we still have snow left, the roads are slick and we are scheduled to have another storm today. It is so nice to get a dose of real winter! By Utah standards the roads are clear, by Corvallis standards it is unfit to drive, which makes driving fairly fun because everyone is staying at home so I get to have the road all to myself to have fun and slide around all I want.

The kids went out and played in Sunday's mild snow (that melted by the end of the day) and made some cute mini snowmen. You can see how little snow we got ...


chanel said...

Hi Darby,

This may be a stupid question. I feel like I should know the answer to it, but I don't, so here goes: Who is Joey?


Darby said...

Hi Chanel
Its not really a stupid question, I haven't talked to you in quite awhile. He is my wonderful fiance, We have been dating for over a year (almost 16 months) ane are getting married August 1st. He has three super cute wonderful kids. How is life anyways? Are you still in Salt Lake?

:) Darby

chanel said...

Yep, we live in Taylorsville, we just had a baby (Lucy, born August 1st), and we are doing great.

Congratulations on your engagement, and your fast rise to motherhood. I think you will be a great wife and mother.

I am glad you have a blog, I will read it often. Thanks for not using facebook where I don't have an account.


Darby said...

Thats so exciting! Congratulations! Its good to hear you are doing well.

Step-mothering is definately an interesting and unexpected challenge, but I love it. My life would not be the same with out them, or with out Joey. We are going to be getting married here on the coast and you are definately welcome to attend.

It was so good to hear from you!