Friday, May 28, 2010

Green Beauty

It all started with a DIY fragrance recipe in a magazine I picked up at the library. It led me to further research making other body products.

I came across a amazing book by Julie Gabriel: The Green Beauty Guide: Your Essential Resource to Organic and Natural Skin Care, Hair Care, Makeup and Fragrances.

It talks about the effects of certain chemicals ingredients in common beauty products. Not just limited to make up, but also shampoo/conditioner, body washes, deodorant/antiperspirant and even baby products. Even many "green washed" products (those claiming to be all natural, or a certain percentage organic) have harmful chemicals.

When I say harmful, I mean that there are studies done than link these chemicals which we lather on our oh so absorbent skin are linked to cancer, hormone disruption, and other negative health implications.

So I have started doing endless research to make my own. It has been a fun project experimenting with what works, what essential oils I like the most.

This morning I even scrubbed our tub with a homemade "soft scrub" made with baking soda and lavender scented castille soap. I felt very efficient. (The Urban Homesteaders Guide is a great resource for simple green cleaners made from non-harmful products.)

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