Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Green Like God

I read this really interesting book yesterday. Its title is Green Like God. Another find of my husbands from the new release section of our Public Library. It is basically a Christian view point of the "green" movement. Its basic message is that Christians should be more environmentally conscious not because its cool or popular but because the earth is God's creating and he has given us stewardship of it. In disrespecting the environment with our American life style of over consumerism and wastefulness we are disrespecting Gods creation and in turn God himself. It was a very powerful message, and something that I strongly believe.

I have always felt close to God while in his creations whether it is mountains, oceans, rivers, marveling at plant and animal life, the starry sky or the full moon I have always felt his presence. I do not find it possible that it all happened by an evolutionary accident. I know there was a higher power overseeing the development of mankind. I am very grateful for the opportunities in my life to help others appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

Take time to spend an extra minute outside enjoying nature today. Take time to appreciate the natural world. Even if you don't believe in a higher power there is something to be said about connecting with the Earth. Connecting with your place in the universe.


Jonathan Merritt said...

Thank you for your wonderful encouragement. God bless you and your family.


Darby said...

Thank you for writing a book that greatly needs to be read.