Monday, August 16, 2010

Laykes Birthday

Ocean Raine and Layke had a water fight with some of the other neighbor kids. This a picture of the big bucket of water balloons they filled up.

This year Layke didn't want cake. She wanted pie. We were at a local bakery and she spotted just the perfect apple pie. We used some fun and different candles that had different colored flames that matched the color of the candle. Snazzy.

and per family tradition we relit the candles
so everyone could help blow them out

Layke picked out most of her presents so this is her pretending
to not know what she is unwrapping...

This one was a actual surprise. She wanted "spy gear" this year.
This is what we came up with (walkie talkies). They had lots of fun using them.

Ocean and Raine both got small presents as well.

After dinner, pie, and presents we decided to use up our left over fireworks. I had lots of fun taking pictures.

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